The Reference Company provides a variety of services for you to choose from. We have developed our credentialing procedures to comply with accreditation standards from JC (Joint Commission), HFAP (Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program) and NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance).
Initial Credentialing:
The initial credentialing of physicians and allied health professionals is the most important activity to assure that your organization is providing Quality Patient Care. Excellent credentialing ensures that only those practitioners who have had their identity verified, are well trained, and are highly qualified will be able to provide services in your health care organization.
During our Initial credentialing process practitioner verifications and queries include:
- Identity verification
- Criminal background investigations
- OIG / EPLS sanctions
- Academics
- Training
- Licenses (past and current)
- Board certification
- Employment
- Hospital affiliations
- Malpractice insurances
- Supervisory/Peer References
It is not enough to investigate a practitioner only at initial appointment. The JC and HFAP require that practitioners working in hospitals be re-credentialed every two years. The NCQA, which accredits Managed Care Organizations, requires practitioners to be re-credentialed every three years.
During our re-credentialing process practitioner verification and queries include:
- Criminal background investigations
- OIG / EPLS sanctions
- Current licenses
- Board certification
- Current employment
- Hospital affiliations
- Malpractice insurance
- Supervisory/Peer References
Expiration Monitoring
Practitioner professional data, such as licensure, board certification and malpractice insurance, are required to be verified at initial appointment, reappointment, privilege revisions, and at the date of expiration. The Reference Company can monitor these expiration dates and re-verify that they have been renewed and remain in good standing.
Graduate Medical Education (GME):
Background primary source verification is completed for the Interns, Residents and Fellows and are processed according to the guidelines of the ACGME and AOA.
Criminal Checks:
Extensive criminal and background checks are conducted nationwide and if necessary from foreign countries.
Web-Based References with iRefs:
iRefs is a software program where state of the art references are obtained from program directors, supervisory physicians and peers in a discrete and professional manner. Gone are the days of faxing and sending multiple reference forms which pile up on desk tops waiting to be completed. Now, secure references can conveniently be completed on-line from a physician’s phone, iPad or computer. This function allows for references to be returned quickly and not drag out the credentialing process.