i-Refs is an online software solution that allows you to obtain valuable information on an applicant’s characteristics and work habits based on references from supervisors and peers who have observed the applicant at work. References obtained are narrative and are provided based on your choice of supervisors, peers, professionals or executives. The parameters of how many references and what type (supervisory/peer) are determined by your organization. With i-Refs, the recruiter can easily manage all of their applicants’ references.
The Reference Company currently utilizes i-Refs for their clients, but you can subscribe to use the software solution to obtain the references on your own.
Reduce Time & Cost
Using a consistent streamlined process for gathering references provides better information and reduces the recruiter’s time and effort. Instead of tracking down incomplete reference information or comparing inconsistent information from many applications and resumes, recruiters can focus on more valuable tasks in the hiring process.
Since online references are less expensive than phone references, it is a more cost-effective approach.
Additional time and cost savings can be achieved by using i-Refs because the recruiter’s login is linked with access to The Reference Company’s “i-Trims TM”, Secure Core Background Checking System (ID, criminal checks, etc.) for any additional needed services.
Fast & Easy Setup
Getting started with the online reference system is fast and easy. After a simple configuration and a short-training presentation, your recruiters can be up and running and experiencing the benefits.
The system provides fast entry of multiple applicants and an easy to use Applicant Dashboard where the applicant can add or edit reference names and email addresses. The recruiter can easily monitor the status and identify if an applicant has submitted the required information.
What makes i-Refs effective?
- Competency Based References – The reference forms that the reference providers complete focus on core competencies and skill sets relevant to the applicant’s work environment. There are three levels of references depending on position: general, professional or managerial.
- Easy and Convenient Gathering Approach – Reference providers can complete the online reference form anywhere, anytime, increasing the ability to successfully collect responses.
- Integrated System – When using i-Refs as a reference gathering method, recruiters can use the integrated system to authorize core background checks (ID, criminal checks, academic verification, etc.) and view all results via The Reference Company’s iTrimsTM Secure Background Checking Services